Our Products

Our Products

As a leading Wood Preservation Facility, Rockon specializes in Vacuum- Pressure treatment of our products using C.C.A. as our primary preservative. C.C.A. comprises of Chrome, Copper and Arsenic, each of which serves its own purpose:-

  1. Copper protects against decay fungus and termites.
  2. Chrome fixes the preservative chemicals and also protects the products against Ultra- Violet light.
  3. Arsenic protects against copper- tolerant fungus and insects.

C.C.A. typically increases the service life of treated products by 5 to 10 times more. After impregnation, Chrome, Arsenic and Copper in C.C.A. are all firmly fixed in the treated products in form of insoluble, non-volatile, low toxic compounds and thereby become leach resistant in water and ground. Once the chemicals have been fixed, the C.C.A. treated products are clean and safe to touch, and no longer harmful to humans and the environment.

Our line of products include:-

Fencing Posts

Our wide selection of post sizes ranging from as little as 4ft to 30ft, or more, leaves a wide array of options for our clients to choose from. We offer our posts in 3 optional dimensions (i.e. top diameter) which are either small size (Less than 4"), medium size (Above 4" - below 6") or king size (above 6"). Should you not find what you are looking for in our ready stock, we are more than happy to take on your custom order as agreed upon within the shortest time possible.

Wooden Electricity Poles

These are utility poles used in power distribution and transmission to help our clients meet their energy needs. Our range of power poles includes 10meters, 11meters, 12meters & 14meters long. We also have a selection of telecom poles which are used for smaller lightweight jobs such as lighting, telecom purposes, urban mobility, rafters and truces, and single-user power extensions.

Treated Timber

Pressure treated timber is usually processed on order from our clients since their uses, dimensions and sizes may differ. Benefits of treated timber, apart from increased service life, are that they are safe to use for both external and internal uses such as decking, sill plates, truces, rafters, fascia boards, hanging beams etc.


Firewood is a key component in our homes and enterprises since it is a cheap source of energy. At Rockon, eliminate the hassle of sourcing for firewood, especially for commercial purposes by ordering some firewood for yourself.